Contributions & Charges 2025

Nollamara Primary School


The financial support of every family plays a major part in providing extra resources that extend the school’s capacity to broaden the learning experience for all students. These voluntary contributions provide additional funding for important school programs, as listed below. Thank you for supporting these important educational programs.

Kindergarten to Year 6: $60 per child

Contributions can be paid $15 each term.

Items for personal use

The charge for personal use items ( booklists, stationery lists) will vary from student to student and includes:

  • Library bag
  • Tissues
  • Art shirt
  • Reading bag
  • Calculator


The activities below are valuable educational experiences that Nollamara Primary provides for all students.  The figures given below are the maximum charge for each activity.  Some activities may be less expensive than this schedule.  Not all classes will participate in all activities.

You will be asked to pay before each activity.

Click table to enlarge.

The Nollamara Primary School Board has endorsed this schedule of Contributions and Charges for 2025. There are costs associated with providing quality educational opportunities for our students and these are outlined. When planning months in advance, we cannot be sure of exact costs, but we hope the estimates provided, will assist parents in budgeting for these possible expenses.

Voluntary Contributions (Kindergarten to Year 6)

Government Schools can request up to $60.00 maximum per child as set in the School Education Regulations 2000. 

Money collected will be used to supplement school expenditure. Whilst contributions are voluntary, the opportunities we can offer your child will be maximised when each family makes its contribution to the cost of supplementing funding gained from other sources, including the State and Commonwealth governments.


Students will only incur costs when they are involved in a particular activity. It is important that your child participates in school activities as outlined by the Western Australian Curriculum. The amounts indicated on the attached schedule represent the maximum charged for scheduled activities in 2025 and in reality some of these areas will work out to be less. You will only be charged the actual cost of the activity and you will be asked to make payment for each activity as it approaches.

The charges schedule includes costs associated with specific learning activities available to all students but conditional on a payment being made e.g. incursions, excursions, swimming etc. Other expenses such as school photographs, graduation shirt, etc are optional costs.

Personal Items

We have negotiated competitive prices for the materials on personal items lists but you are not obliged to use our supplier. Parents are reminded that students will need to have the listed materials each school day so it may be necessary to replace some items such as pencils throughout the year. Teachers will send a note home if this occurs.

Nollamara Primary School

Progress with Pride

Respect · Excellence · Acceptance · Compassion · Honesty

Absentee Form

Any absences need to be advised to the school. Please complete the form if your child will be away from school