Intensive English Centre
Nollamara Primary School
Nollamara Primary has a specialist Intensive English Centre on site. This program provides intensive language support for students newly arrived in the country on humanitarian (refugee) visas, migrants and those born in Australia enrolling in the school with a language other than English.
The Intensive English Centre at Nollamara Primary is one of eight Department endorsed centres in the metropolitan area.
- Eligible Year 1 to Year 6, students including newly arrived migrant and humanitarian entrants who are new to learning English.
- Others include Year 1 students who may have been born in Australia, enrolling from a culturally and linguistically diverse background and have limited English knowledge and skills. These students are referred from our local schools.
- Students are entitled to one or two years of Intensive English education depending on their visa sub class number and their language and learning needs.
- Highly trained, experienced and dedicated staff understand and develop the social, emotional and educational needs of culturally and linguistically diverse students.
- The Western Australian Curriculum is used to teach both the language and content of key learning areas in the program.
- Students also participate in Art, Physical Education, Music and can access all of the resources across the school.
- The EAL/D Progress Map is used to monitor, assess and report language achievement as well as many other tools.
- Parents are encouraged to be ‘partners’ in their child’s learning and meetings are held regularly at the school.
- Ethnic Education Assistants who are fluent in a range of languages, assist with communication between the school, students, and parents, and also provide additional support in the classroom.
- Interpreters are available to communicate with families who are from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
- Students are enrolled in small class sizes of approximately 16 children , however this may vary at different times in the year.
- Free dental care is made available by the Dental Therapy Clinic at Dianella College and a school nurse visits regularly.
- Students and families also have access to our school chaplain, school support work and psychologist if needed.
- Students enrolled in the program are eligible for one of three buses, which provided a door to door pick up and drop off service for students living outside the suburb of Nollamara providing they live inside the Nollamara IEC intake area. A bus warden and driver supports the students and seat belts are fitted on every bus.
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